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News and Tour Schedule

Here's the scoop...


CrossTies will be in Nashville in October to record our new album, "Living Water". This album will feature a very special SUPRISE guest...Wait til it is released to find out WHO! We will also be releasing a new solo project by Jim Glaspy called "Backroads". "Backroads" was inspired and recorded after the September 11th attacks in New York and Washington DC. It really got Americans and the world thinking about what was really important to them in life. Thus what goes on thru the Backroads of the world and in your mind. The things that are important, family, friends, faith, patriotism and making a positive, lasting impression on the world!


1) Dennis Toomey---healing 2) Katie Hester---healing 3) Richard Evans---healing 4) Expansion of our territory 5) Finances to keep CrossTies on the road

Contributed by CrossTies Ministries

Praise Reports

1) The Bus is almost completed! 2)We believe that Colby Allen is healed! 3) we believe that Karina Glaspy is healed!

This page will be updated as the praise reports and prayer requests are updated. Thank you for your prayers!